четверг, 25 октября 2018 г.

4.Services for presentation creation :)

1. Prezi (https://prezi.com)
One of the most famous and visual webpages. I have an experience of working with this page and I find it interactive and easy to use .

  • Deliver visually stunning,interactive experiences that engage and captivate.
  • Move freely about the room—and your conversational presentation—with your phone or tablet as a remote clicker.
  • Create and collaborate wherever you have a connection.

Very popular service for presentation creation as well. I used to work with this during my study at school and now mu presentations are brief, accurate , colourful and nevertheless very interesting and informative.
  • The world’s largest presentation sharing community. Opportunity to share publicly, privately and add audio for webinar. 
  • Includes special presentation creation courses

3. Speaker Deck (https://speakerdeck.com)

This app is new for me. I have never worked with it, but the application seems to be colourful and visual, so I will definitely try to create some prezentations ;)

  • Speaker Deck is the best way to share presentations online. Simply upload your slides as a PDF, and it’ll turn them into a beautiful online experience.
  • You may sign up for free!!
My own presentations ⇙⇙⇙

To conclude I can point out than nowadays there is a wide choice of applications for prezentation creation, not limited only by Power Point. All of them are so visual, interactive and easy to use , that they will certainly catch everybody's attention.

Thank you for watching ^^

1 комментарий:

  1. Thank you for this post! I'm particulary interested in different services for presentation creation, and your information is really good. And it is nice, that you try to make some presentations with the help of services you are talking about^^
